To Merrolyn
oil on panel
9” x 7”

My friend and I were strolling through the University of Chicago’s Laird Bell Law Quadrangle when we spotted this feathered beauty. Soft and warm, it lay beside the reflecting pool, having just met its end in the accordioned glass facade of the prized D’Angelo Law Library, designed by Eero Saarinen. I wrapped it in a paper towel and took it home.

My grandmother, my mother’s mother, passed that year. She was elegant, witty, and had an inexplicable, reserved allure. You know what they say about still waters. While rearing kids she would steal away to the attic to sew exquisite garments into the wee hours—matching outfits for four youngsters, masterfully tailored suits and graduation dresses, my mother’s wedding gown. She was an artist.